The Gartner Sales Podcast

Three Ways to Ensure Virtual Sales Training Quality With Doug Bushée

Episode Summary

In this podcast, Brent Adamson speaks with analyst Doug Bushée about how sales enablement leaders should use training design components to make their virtual training more effective and engaging.

Episode Notes

During this podcast, Brent and Doug discuss how virtual training not only provides significant advantages, such as improving access to sellers, flexibility in training delivery and learning retention, but also reduces sales training costs. The podcast also covers best practices and key considerations for transitioning from face-to-face training to virtual training. 

As an analyst, Doug Bushée is recognized as a thought leader in sales and sales enablement. He has researched, written and spoken extensively on sales training, sales content and other topics related to seller and buyer enablement. Before coming to Gartner, Doug spent over 25 years leading sales, marketing and sales enablement teams for Xerox.

Run Time: 30 Minutes