The Gartner Sales Podcast

The Human Role Within Digital Selling With Alice Walmesley

Episode Summary

In this episode of the Gartner Sales Podcast, Brent Adamson chats with Gartner advisor, Alice Walmesly, about best practices from JLL and Express Scripts designed to tightly integrate human and digital sales channels to better support customers’ evolving buying preferences.

Episode Notes

In the rapidly evolving world of B2B buying, customers’ increasingly strong preference for a seller-free buying experience means suppliers must dramatically rethink the manner in which their sales reps interact with customers.  At the most progressive companies, sales leaders see this evolution less as a zero-sum game between digital and human interaction and more as an opportunity to integrate the two far more tightly than ever before. In this podcast, Brent and Alice review two companies well down that path and explore the advantages to moving from a “rep-or-digital” posture to a “rep-and-digital” posture.