Gartner Sales Podcast co-hosts Betsy Gregory-Hosler and Billy Luckey interview revenue innovators to understand the strategy, people, process, technology and tactics required to drive growth.
After over a year of hype, what is the real state of generative AI (GenAI) in B2B sales? In this episode, Betsy and Billy speak with Gartner expert Adnan Zijadic to discuss how sales leaders and the C-suite are engaging with GenAI, which use cases are gaining ground, and where sales leaders are missing out.
Adnan Zijadic is a director analyst in the Sales Technologies team at Gartner for Sales Leaders. His research focuses on sales force automation (SFA/CRM) platforms, evaluations, and strategy, along with Sales AI use cases and best practices. Not only that, he also pioneered Gartner’s first ever workable CRM readiness assessment, the SPEED framework.